Selasa, 21 Mei 2013

Listening for 1st Graders of Junior High School

Opening (Pre-Listening)

Hello guys... how are you today? I hope you're always fine there :)

Today we will learn about descriptive text.
So, what is descriptive text?  Descriptive text is a text which describes something/ someone.
It has a purpose, to describe a particular person, place, or thing.

Then, the generic structure of descriptive text there are:
  • Identification  : identifies phenomenon to be described.
  • Description : describes parts, qualities, characteristics.
In the descriptive text, there is language features. Here some language features that usually be used:
    Use of attributive and identifying processes
    Use of simple present tense

Sometimes, we also find Linking Verbs. A linking verb connects a noun or pronoun with words that identify or describe the noun or pronoun.

Many linking verbs are forms of the verb be.


  • I am a student.
  • His paws are strong.
  • The house was on the hill.

Beside to be, there are other linking verbs. 

  • She likes to eat
  • The dog’s barking sounds very noisy.
  • The milk tastes so sweet.
Now, try to describe the picture. This activity is provide some questions related to the picture. Here, you just submit your name, and then you can follow this activity. Lets try it :)

Activity 1

Main activity (While Listening)
Guys, here the example of descriptive text, entitled “My First Pet”. Please, listen carefully by clicking on the link!

·         Listening to “My First Pet”

·         Well, you have known about the example of descriptive text, right?
It is your time to test your understanding by answering the following questions! Good luck :)

Activity 2

Closing activity

·         Before we finish, there are some questions that you should answer.
Just click and answer.

Activity 3

Guys, that’s all for our lesson in this section, thank you for your participation. Hopefully, you get new knowledge from the lesson :) see you on the next section!

5 komentar:

Unknown mengatakan...

The strength:
1. This article is very good in facilitating the material to the students.
2. There are some exercises to check the understanding of the students.

However,I also find some weaknesses in this article, such as:
1. There are some incorrect grammatical in this article, for example: the sentence "there is language features" actually the correct sentence is "there are language features" and the sentence "This activity is provide some questions" actually sentence is "This activity is provided some questions".
2. The display of the blog is too simple, therefore the visitors of the blog may be not tend to spend their time to read all of the content of the blog.
My suggestion are:

1. it better to the writer to make the blog as interesting as possible, either in the content of the blog or the display of the blog.
2. it better to the writer to check the grammar of the sentence before posts the blog.

diandra mengatakan...

erna has said everything, i just want to add, the objective of the study of your lesson is not clear enough, if your objective is about listening the final evaluation should also in form of listening. the exercises before it can be in form of other skill. keep improve putriiii, that's all. thank you:*

Ayudya Dewi Gumilar mengatakan...

1. This article is very good in facilitating the material for the students, in the first section there is pre-listening activity that will built students knowledge about the material.
2. there are some exercises to check students' undersatnding.
1. the display of the blog is too simple, even for the background.
my suggestion for this blog:
1. use some interesting picture to grab students' attention.
anyway, you did a good job :D

Anonim mengatakan...

1. the blog is so neat and easy to be operated

1. there are no example of descriptive text in form of written text.

1. in order to give more understanding to the students about what descriptive text is you can add a written text one in the opening of the lesson.

Unknown mengatakan...

Strengths :
1. A good material
2. Many exercises for the students
3. interesting video

Weaknesses :
1. the blog is too simple
2. the only picture here is the cat and it is too small

Suggestions :
1. You should change the template of the blog into a more interesting one
2. you can attract the students' attention more by including some pictures.

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