Jumat, 07 Juni 2013

Listening for First Graders of Junior High School

Title                 : Let’s Describe!         
Skills focus      : Listening
Level               : 1st graders of Junior High School
Objective         : students are able to describe something by using Descriptive text.
Opening (Pre-Listening)
Hello guys... how are you today? I hope you’re always fine there :)
In this section, we are going to learn about descriptive text, especially describing animals.
Have you ever learned about that before? If you haven’t, you will learn all about those thing here.
Are you ready???

My grandma has a beautiful cat. She said that it is a siamese cat. It called siamese cat because historically it came from Siam, Thailand. Grandma named it Nunu. Nunu has long body and an elegant posture. Nunu’s weight is around 5 kg. Nunu’s ears rather large and pricked, wide at the base. Its eyes are blue and always shiny when in the dark. It has black color around its face. 
Nunu has a long elegant neck and body. Its body, tail and legs are all long and still. It has short grayish fur and dark gray in its tip feet.Nunu always like playing around with ball and grandma’s feather duster. When Nunu is sleeping nobody brave to distrub. If you distrub, Nunu will scratching you. Nunu’s favorite food is fresh shrimp.
Grandma always take care of Nunu because she is very love her siamese cat,Nunu.

After you read the example above, so what is descriptive text?  
  • Descriptive text is a text which describes something/ someone.
  • It has a purpose, that is to describe a particular person, place, or thing.
For example: describe place about “Kaliguci Hot Springs, describe people about “Agnes Monica”, describe animals about “Grandma’s Siamese Cat”, etc.
  •  Then, the generic structure of descriptive text there are:
- Paragraph 1 (identification) : It is an introducing part of a descriptive text. It identifies phenomenon to be described.
- Paragraph 2 and 3 or the rest (description) : some paragraphs which are describe  person, place, or thing. Describes parts, qualities, characteristics.
  • Here some language features that usually be used:
    Use of attributive and identifying processes

    Use of simple present tense
S + is/am/are + Adjective, adverb/noun

1.      I                 am                   a student
S                Be                       Noun
2.      She            is                      beautiful
S                Be                    Adjective
3.      They          are                   friends
                  S                Be                    Noun


You have to choose the words which are related to the picture. Try to describe based on the picture!

Now, do the exercise below. You just follow the role by insert your name, let's learn and play!

Main activity (Whilst Listening)
Guys, here the example of descriptive text, entitled “My First Pet”. 
Please, listen carefully by clicking on the video!

Well done!
You've heard examples of descriptive text, right?
Now it's time for you guys to check your understanding about the example you've just heard.

Are you ready guys???
In this activity, you just need to answer the following questions based on earlier descriptive text.
It's easy, isn't it? Feel free to try :)

Activity 2

  • Before we end this session, there are some questions that you should answer.
          Fill in the blank by completing the sentence!

Activity 3

You guys are so clever! I am proud of you all.

Okayguys, we've reached the end of the listening session

Are you happy? I hope so.

See you soon on the next session guys....

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